NWLC Is Fighting for ALL Women and Girls

For over 50 years, NWLC has been leading the fight to defend Title IX and eradicate all forms of sex discrimination in school and fight for gender equity. Now, far-right extremists are promoting anti-trans misinformation that violates and undermines the promise of Title IX.

We will never stop fighting to make sure everyone can live authentically, without fear and discrimination, especially for women, girls, and the LGBTQIA+ community.

Make a donation to ensure NWLC has the tools and resources to counter all extremist attacks and every dollar will be spent fighting for a more just and equitable world.

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Our Impact


The Center has won landmark advances to improve the lives of women for more than 50 years. Recent accomplishments range from protecting pregnant workers to raising the minimum wage in states across the country.

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People from everyday Americans to public figures know how vital the National Women‘s Law Center has been to the progress that women and their families have made and continue to make today.

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Success Stories

The Center works on behalf of women every day, whether it is changing policies that improve the lives of millions of women or championing individual cases. Read the stories of some of the women we’ve helped.

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