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Tell Congress to Support Child Care for Working Families

There are many ways for you to advocate for better child care and early learning opportunities for working families. It is time for us to speak up about the gaps our child care system has and ensure Members of Congress put child care funding as a priority.

  1. Congress has the opportunity to double the discretionary funding for CCDBG— which is the main source of federal funding for child care and early learning. We need to contact the members of the Appropriations Committee to ask that a CCDBG increase is priority this Congress. Find out if your Congressperson is a member here.
  2. The Child Care for Working Families Act would provide access to affordable, high-quality child care for low- and middle-income families who need the most support by ensuring that no family under 150 percent of State Median Income would pay more than seven percent of their income on child care.

Click here to see whether or not your Representative is currently co-sponsoring the bill.

If your representative is not on the co-sponsoring list, call (202) 224-3121 and ask them to add their name:

Hello, I am a constituent and I would like to ask [Member of Congress] to become a co-sponsor of the Child Care and Working Families Act because access to affordable, high-quality child care is important for parents and children, and their child care providers deserve to make a living wage.

**When you call the Capitol Switchboard, press “2” to be connected to your representative. You will be asked for your zip code and then will be transferred to your representative.

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